Eagles Nest BBS 6
VB SuperBible.image
Text File
46 lines
This disk contains all the chapter projects from The Waite Group's
Visual Basic SuperBible.
You will need Windows 3.0 or greater and Visual Basic to run these
All projects are set up to run from the floppy disk with these
The projects for Chapters 16 (KEYS.MAK) and 23 (CLIP.MAK) rely
on Visual Basic's CONSTANT.TXT files for constant defintion.
CHANGE.MAK (Chapter 7) relies on CONSTANT.TXT for a text file
These projects assume that CONSTANT.TXT will be found at C:\VB.
See the appropriate book chapters for directions on how to reset
the expected location of the CONSTANT.TXT file. This hard-coding is
one of the reasons the book suggests installing these programs on
your hard disk.
Note that the projects for Chapters 9 (COORDIN.MAK) and
12 (FONT.MAK) require an active printer to be connected
to your PC or you will get an error.
The project for Chapter 25 (DDE.MAK) requires an external
DDE--in this case, one supplied by Excel. If you do not
have Excel for Windows, you should change the script.
Please see Appendix F in the book for installation details.
Our installation directions assume that you are installing
to a C: drive. However even if you have Visual Basic installed
on a D: or other hard disk, as long as you use the xcopy command
for installation, the relative directory structure will remain
intact and the programs will run.
All files have been tested. If you move the programs around, and,
when running certain projects you get a PATH NOT FOUND: message,
click the OK button. Then go to Visual Basic's File menu and select
the Add File... option. Pointto the file in its new location, and
double-click. The projects will then run. Remember to resave the
project after you've re-linked it.
We hope you can make use of these projects.
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